The welfare community portal is a shared space giving the opportunity to practitioners, stakeholders as well as young people to exchange ideas and practices around social entrepreneurship, social innovation and the welfare system with a focus on the education field. The portal will increase the networking among partners’ stakeholders and raise awareness among their members, start an ongoing discussion about social innovation and entrepreneurship and its importance for community and social development.
Forum rules and posting guidelines
- Keep it friendly.
- Be courteous and respectful.
- Appreciate that others may have an opinion different from yours.
- Stay on topic.
- Share your knowledge.
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behaviour and speech.
Last seen: Mar 27, 2024
@masadepancece berapa
In order to add a new topic you have to first register and then log in. The main discussion categories are the ‘welfare system’, ‘social entrepreneurship’ and ‘social innovation’.