
Designing future WELFARE systems

The Erasmus+ funded project WELFARE aims to create a melting pot for social innovation within universities, as a gateway for researchers and students to develop skills and competences as social entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs, by engaging them in communication and cooperation with educational institutions, non-profit organisations and businesses within the welfare system.

Our goals

  • To develop high-quality Open Educational Resources, including curriculum, online/f2f training content and training course.
  • To promote and enhance understanding of the importance of social innovation and entrepreneurship within partner countries’ welfare systems.
  • To create an open university, training and networking environment for discourse, research and social innovation in the welfare system, both in partner countries and transnationally through the WELFARE platform.


KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, Greece

KMOP is one of the oldest civil society organisations in Greece, established in 1977 with the mission to contribute to effective social policy design and to implement impactful programmes that build resilience, combat inequalities, and promote inclusive and sustainable social growth. KMOP studies, analyses, proposes solutions, and makes policy interventions to address contemporary social challenges based on fairness, innovation, sustainability, and balanced development. KMOP’s work focuses on a wide range of thematic areas such as Health Promotion & Wellbeing, Human & Fundamental Rights, Education, Civil Society & Democracy, Social Inclusion & Employment, and Arts & Culture. During the last 15 years, KMOP has successfully delivered more than 300 initiatives, while more than 65,000 people have benefited from its projects and services.


Vaxandi (vaxandi.hi.is) is a center for social innovation at the University of Iceland. The University of Iceland is the largest and oldest higher education institution in Iceland, founded in 1911. It is a public university with approx. 15.000 students studying in twenty-six different faculties and approx. 1700 staff members. The aim of Vaxandi is to inspire social change, create incentives for social innovation and support social entrepreneurs. To accomplish its aim Vaxandi offers courses and seminars for students and members of the civil society, provides guidance to social entrepreneurs and does applied research on social innovation and social progress. Vaxandi co-operates with Almannaheill (the Association of the Third Sector in Iceland) and other key actors on supporting social innovation in the third sector.

STIMMULI for social change

Stimmuli is a non-profit organisation envisioning to inspire future education and ignite positive change in society. Stimmuli seeks to transform education and foster 21st century skills. Stimmuli designs and delivers educational and empowerment projects that cultivate changemaking attitudes, inject entrepreneurial thinking and nudge behavioural shifts for more sustainable lifestyles.

Xwhy / Agency of Understanding

Xwhy / Agency of Understanding specialises in applied humanities and social sciences. Our team researches various situations deeper than it is common for standard organisational processes. We apply human sciences to reveal reasons within a particular context. It forms an understanding that is used for further development. This distinct approach to a situation brings us to various teams working on different cases from product development and identity creation to urban planning and community enhancement, thus our focus is sustainability and culture related projects. Our team is trying to understand a particular phenomenon in essence and use this knowledge to solve strategic problems.

VIVES University of Applied Sciences

VIVES is a state-recognized and state-financed higher education institution. Their core business is to ensure higher education for students at bachelor level (EQF level 6) in the study areas Applied engineering & Technology, Biotechnology, Education, Commercial Sciences & Business Management, and Health Care & Applied Social Studies. VIVES has experience in innovative practical research, and offering services to society. Using applied research, VIVES wants to provide answers to current needs from local organisations and SME's. The expertise centre for social innovation is specialised in practice-oriented research in which new solutions to social needs are sought, in the form of products, services and partnerships.

Role Models in Social Entrepreneurship